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  • Clients use two GraphQL operations for publishing entries:
    1. nextArgs query to retrieve parameters required for encoding an entry
    2. publish mutation to publish a signed and encoded entry together with its payload


  • Returns parameters required for encoding new entries
    • Implementations must not have side effects
  • Clients can't encode new entries without information from this endpoint because every entry needs to place itself in the first unused sequence number of a specific Bamboo log and also it needs to include the hashes of specific previous entries in its encoding
    • This information is held by the node
  • Clients may cache the arguments required for the next entry (they are also returned by publish)
  • Clients may also persist their entry logs locally to avoid any dependency for retrieving entry arguments of nodes at all
  • Clients must set the viewId input variable to receive arguments for encoding an UPDATE or DELETE operation.
    • Clients must not set this when they want to encode a CREATE operation
query nextArgs(
public key of the author signing and encoding the next entry
publicKey: PublicKey!

any view id from the document that will be updated or deleted with the next entry. leave empty to receive arguments for creating a new document.
viewId: ViewId
): NextArguments!


  • If a publish request is accepted by a node it must publish the entry supplied with the request by taking the following steps:
    • The node must validate the received entry and operation by checking if:
      • The entry adheres to the bamboo specification and has a valid signature and log integrity
      • The operation adheres to the operation specification
      • The operation is linked to the entry with a correct payload hash and size
    • The node should persist the entry and operation and make it available to other nodes for replication
    • The node may materialise the document this new operation belongs to, resulting in a new document view
  • Returns entry arguments required for publishing the next entry for the same document, similar to nextArgs
  • Returns an error
    • When the Bamboo log, signature or document integrity could not be verified, the operation was malformed or schema not fulfilled
    • When the node is unable to persist the entry and operation at the moment
mutation publish(
CBOR representation of a signed Bamboo entry, encoded as a hexadecimal string
entry: EncodedEntry!

CBOR representation of an p2panda operation, the payload of the Bamboo entry,
encoded as a hexadecimal string
operation: EncodedOperation!
): NextArguments!


  • Both publish and nextArgs return the arguments for encoding and signing the next entry as a response
type NextArguments {
log id to be used to forge the next entry
logId: LogId!

sequence number to be used to forge the next entry
seqNum: SeqNum!

optional backlink hash to be used to forge the next entry
backlink: EntryHash

optional skiplink hash to be used to forge the next entry
skiplink: EntryHash