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Tutorial: Set up a local node

This tutorial walks you through setting up a locally running p2panda node on your computer and shows you how you can configure it and interact with it via the GraphQL playground.

It's good to know how to run your own node if you want to start developing p2panda clients. You can try out new schemas and applications with them or just experiment!

We will use the reference node implementation aquadoggo for this, which is a command line application written in Rust.

But what is an aquadoggo?

aquadoggo are nodes in a p2panda network, they perform several important tasks related to discovering and communicating with other nodes, as well as offering APIs used when building client applications. The core tasks are:

  • discover and replicate with other p2panda nodes
  • find data on the network following registered schema ids
  • serve GraphQL and HTTP endpoints used by client applications

Nodes are usually agnostic to the applications using them, this means that one node could potentially support hundreds of different p2panda applications. Having one node running on your computer is therefore already enough! You can read more about nodes in the regarding Learn section.


What do I need?

  • Terminal
  • Browser

Download aquadoggo

Head over to the Releases page to download the pre-compiled binary for your platform. This tutorial was written using v0.7.0.

Or on the command line:

# Download and unpack aquadoggo v0.7.0
curl -L | tar -xz

For the rest of the tutorial we will run aquadoggo simply using the command ./aquadoggo. If required, in your own commands adjust this to match the name of the binary you downloaded or rename it to accordingly.

Start the node

To start the node now you only have to run the following command. Make sure you're in the directory where you downloaded the aquadoggo binary!


You should see roughly this output:

                       ██████ ███████ ████
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aquadoggo v0.7.0

No config file provided


Allow schema IDs: * (any schema id)
Database URL: memory (data is not persisted)
mDNS: enabled
Private key: ephemeral (not persisted)
Relay mode: disabled

Node is ready!

Go to to use GraphQL playground
Peer id: 12D3KooWRfiHJzaRAoBAEkS4g9n9EP5x7muN6QXqpALH3HRBxEdn
Node is listening on

Well done!! You have a running aquadoggo node :-)

Let's unpack the output a little. There's a cute panda riding an aquadoggo of course, then version, then a warning about us not providing a config file, followed by some (default) configuration values. We wanted it to be simple to get started and playing around with aquadoggo so a easy-to-use default configuration is provided. With this configuration the node can be considered "ephemeral" as it doesn't persist any data between runs. Additionally it is configured to discover other nodes on the local network, ask them what schema they know about, and start supporting these schema itself. Although unlikely to be the behavior you want in a production environment, it is quite handy for getting started during development.

See more logs

We can quit the node by pressing CTRL + C in the regarding terminal. Let's start it again, but this time with more logging enabled:

./aquadoggo --log-level=info

As well as the above, you should now get these more detailed logs:

[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO  aquadoggo::manager] Start materializer service
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::materializer::worker] Register reduce worker with pool size 16
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::materializer::worker] Register dependency worker with pool size 16
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::materializer::worker] Register schema worker with pool size 16
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::materializer::worker] Register blob worker with pool size 16
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::materializer::worker] Register garbage_collection worker with pool size 16
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::manager] Start http service
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::manager] Start network service
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::network::service] Networking service initializing...
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::network::service] Network service ready!
[2024-01-22T15:44:50Z INFO aquadoggo::manager] Start replication service

If you want to see even more you can change the log verbosity from info to debug or even trace, but then you will see a whole flood of information you might not always need.

GraphQL playground

How can we actually check that the node is running? When starting aquadoggo it will automatically open an HTTP server on port 2020 with an GraphQL API. On top of that it offers a playground for us to already play with the GraphQL API. We can visit it by opening our browser and going to:


Send a query

Maybe you have never worked with GraphQL before but we can just send some queries to the node for fun. You can enter a query in the left area of the playground and click the large Play button in the middle. This will send the query to the node and its JSON response will show in the right area.

Try this following query by entering it in the left textarea and clicking the Play button:

all_schema_definition_v1 {
documents {
fields {

It will return the following, relative unspectacular response in the right area:

"data": {
"all_schema_definition_v1": []

Still, this is already doing a lot! With this query we asked our aquadoggo if it knows any schemas and since we have just started it it doesn't know any yet! This is why the response is empty .. It's soon time to teach the aquadoggo some tricks but this is part of the next how to create a schema tutorial. For now we get to know the doggo a little bit better.


You can see, this is already how we can interact with the node at any time, we can simply just write queries in the playground using our browser! When building a p2panda client you do nothing else: The client sends GraphQL queries to the node and handles the JSON responses! If you're curious now on how to build a client you can check out this how to build a client tutorial.

There are a couple of more queries you can find when you click on the Docs tab in the right sidebar. Next to the all_schema_definition_v1 query you find others, for example all_schema_field_definition_v1 or schema_definition_v1 etc.... Later you will find more queries here you created yourself by introducing new schemas to the node!

🐧What are all these queries?

These queries serve to find out which schemas exist, they will be used by clients ("Client API"). Surely there will be more queries coming in the future.


Now we learned how to start a node and how to interact with it via GraphQL! Let's see now how we can configure and adjust it to our particular needs. This is mainly a collection of cool tricks and not a full documentation of aquadoggo, also you probably might not need all of this in the beginning, but maybe it comes in handy soon!


If you like spoilers and just want to dive into the full config options then our example config.toml file is a good place to start!

Persistent storage

In most cases we will want to persist our nodes identity and database on the filesystem. In order to configure this behavior we the use the --database-url, --blobs-base-path and --private-key command line arguments.

This is how we would configure the node with an SQLite database, blob storage and a private key all stored at a suitable path for a Linux machine:

./aquadoggo \
--database-url="sqlite:$HOME/.local/share/aquadoggo/db.sqlite3" \
--blobs-base-path="$HOME/.local/share/aquadoggo" \

aquadoggo supports both SQLite and PostgreSQL databases, more on this later.

Delete node data

Especially during development you might want to delete your database, blobs and even your identity. You can do this by simply removing the data directory:

rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/aquadoggo

Make sure that aquadoggo is not running anymore before you delete that folder.

🌩️Watch out!

This is really deleting everything you stored in your node and your node key pair.

PostgreSQL or SQLite

aquadoggo allows you to use an SQLite or PostgreSQL database. SQLite is the default and really amazing as it does not require you to set up an actual database software. This is why it is so easy to just start an aquadoggo. It is also very useful for embedding aquadoggo for example inside of an application where you don't want the users to also take care of the database, all should just work "out of the box".

Sometimes you want to use PostgreSQL though, maybe because you are planning to host your aquadoggo on a server where it will be used by hundreds of users at the same time. For this of course you need a running PostgreSQL database.

Just change the --database-url command line argument to now use a PostgreSQL database:

# Use an external PostgreSQL database
./aquadoggo --database-url="postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/aquadoggo"
🐻‍❄️Explore SQLite

If using an SQLite database, and you have an sqlite3 client installed you can explore the database like that:

# Explore the SQLite database (on Linux)
sqlite3 $HOME/.local/share/aquadoggo/aquadoggo-node.sqlite3

aquadoggo checks if there are any pending SQL migrations on every start up. If it detects missing migrations it will run it automatically against the given database.

HTTP port

By default aquadoggo starts an HTTP server on port 2020. If you want to change this you can use the --http-port command line argument like this

# This changes the http endpoint to http://localhost:4040
./aquadoggo --http-port=4040

This is useful if for whatever reason your port 2020 is already occupied or if you want to run more than one aquadoggo.

Allowed Schema IDs

By default, your aquadoggo doesn't restrict the schema it replicates and materializes, it is interested in anything it may come in contact with on the network. If you want to restrict this, you can do so by defining a list of allowed-schema-ids.

# This node will replicate documents for these two schema and build custom GraphQL API for queries.
./aquadoggo \
--allow-schema-ids="mushrooms_0020c3accb0b0c8822ecc0309190e23de5f7f6c82f660ce08023a1d74e055a3d7c4d" \


Node discovery is configurable through the arguments --mdns, --relay-addresses and --relay-mode.

You can configure your node to discover local nodes via mDNS (on by default) and by registering on relay node. A relay node will share addresses for other nodes they learn about.

./aquadoggo \
--relay-addresses="" \

If nodes are discovered via a relay then forming a direct connection between peers is first attempted (using NAT traversal techniques where required), if this fails then the connection is routed through the relay.

If you want your node to itself act as a relay set the --relay-mode flag.


You can configure which peers you connect to using the --direct-node-addresses, --allow-peer-ids and --block-peer-ids arguments.

--direct-node-addresses is useful when you want to connect to nodes with static reachable addresses. Allowing and blocking peers is useful when you want to control the peers you connect to by their id when using relay or mDNS discovery techniques.

Running a node which will only connect to a list of allowed peers (discovered via mDNS or relay) would look like this:

./aquadoggo \
--relay-addresses="" \
--allow-peer-ids="12D3KooWCw68m5CRcV8vD9iuR325oKwJHLYqTYH5mYwD6k2QV4nm" \
--allow-peer-ids="12D3KooWCjiCXB1WPy9AYn73zjmwkVeUqLsrwgWFvsJhe69ivnCn" \


Right about now you'd be forgiven for thinking that this is a lot of command line arguments to work with. aquadoggo is able to read all these configurations (and more!) from a config.toml file, and also via environment variables. The order in which configuration methods are read is 1) config file 2) command line arguments 3) environment variables. This is useful in order to override your default config.toml values at runtime.

Check the extensively documented aquadoggo cli example config file to read about all possible configuration options.


Super, you know now how to start an aquadoggo on your computer or server! This is the first step towards running a p2panda application on your computer or building a new one. Check out the next tutorial on how to send data to create schema on your running node.

🐻‍❄️Extra: Embed a node

This is not part of this tutorial but we just want to mention that you can also run a node programmatically by embedding it directly in your Rust codebase:

use aquadoggo::{Configuration, Node};
let config = Configuration::default();
let node = Node::start(config).await;

This is very similar to using the command line application, just that you can ship your applications now with a node running inside! Users will then automatically start the node whenever they start the application. Together with Tauri your applications can even be written in JavaScript and still use aquadoggo internally - even when you're not a Rust developer! Our tauri x p2panda example project will help you get started with right away.