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Tutorial: Advanced Queries

When building an app with p2panda using an aquadoggo node (embedded/local/shared) for your the primary interface you'll use for interacting with application data is the GraphQL API. Once you've published some data, this is how you get it back to populate your UI. Especially when your node is embedded or local (meaning it's running on the same system as your app) then you can rely on the local node for much of your application state, greatly reducing the state logic you need to write in the frontend. This is greatly thanks to the fact that for the schema supported by your node, GraphQL query methods are automagically generated, and they come with a powerful API for filtering, ordering, paginating your collection queries, as well as query trees giving you access to values on related documents.

🐼Is it really automagical?

Yes! This is worth re-stating, to get the query interface we're going to explore in this tutorial, you don't need to write any backend code, just use aquadoggo, then design and publish the schema you want to use. Your data will instantly be exposed via a fancy query interface, ready to be used in your application (it'll also have p2p superpowers, but that's not what we're here to talk about now).

We're going to look mostly at the generated GraphQL endpoints in this tutorial, and some previous knowledge of p2panda schema is assumed. If you need, take a look at the "Create a schema" tutorial to learn about schema, or if it all feels unfamiliar then you can start from the beginning with "Set up a local node".

This isn't a GraphQL tutorial

GraphQL is a common query language, it's possible to work through this tutorial without any knowledge of it, but a little primer would probably be beneficial. GraphQL homepage has useful learning resources.

What do I need?​

  • Browser
  • terminal
  • aquadoggo node

What is aquadoggo?​

aquadoggo is a p2panda node implementation and command-line-tool, it's our gateway into the p2panda network. You can learn more about it in the Set up a local node tutorial.

Install aquadoggo​

Head over to the Releases page and download the pre-compiled binary for your platform. This tutorial was written using v0.7.1.

Or on the command line (linux system example):

curl -L | tar -xz

About the tutorial​

This tutorial is itself a p2panda client! You will use shirokuma (p2panda TypeScript SDK) to create documents on your local node, and then query them back with a minimal GraphQL client. In a moment you'll be asked to work in live code editors to update configuration variables and try out different queries. Each of these code editors is using p2panda under the hood and talking with your local node!

🐼But how does it all work?

In this tutorial we're only focussing on the query API so as much of the inner-workings of a p2panda application are hidden as possible. There will be a little hand-waving magic. Please explore our other tutorials to learn about these other aspects of p2panda development.


Before we can start playing around with queries, we need some schema. I've prepared some we can work with for this tutorial, in a moment we'll publish some seed data for them too. We have three schema which could be used to build a language learning tool, they are:

  • vocabulary: Japanese-Language Proficiency Test vocabulary from N5 to N1
  • study_sets: Study sets for group vocabulary into useful categories (eg. "new words", "holiday vocab", etc...)
  • study_set_members: A join between a vocabulary document and a study_sets document, we use this for adding words to a study set and attaching some useful meta data

This schema.toml file defines the schema, their field types and relations, and can be used to build and deploy the schema to a node with the command line tool fishy. fishy also, very helpfully, generates a schema.lock file which can be included in your project and published to the node from the client. That's what has been done in this tutorial! So you don't need to do anything yet.

Through exploring examples of how one would want to work with this data in a real application we'll learn about the different ways you can tailor your queries over collections of data.

description = "Japanese-Language Proficiency Test vocabulary from N5 to N1"

word = { type = "str" }
meaning = { type = "str" }
furigana = { type = "str" }
romaji = { type = "str" }
level = { type = "int" }

description = "Custom JLPT vocabulary study set"

title = { type = "str" }
description = { type = "str" }

description = "Item in a custom JLPT vocabulary study set"

study_set = { type = "relation", schema = { name = "study_sets" } }
member = { type = "relation", schema = { name = "vocabulary" } }
date_added = { type = "int" }
rating = { type = "float" }
last_studied = { type = "int" }

Step 1: Deploy Schema and Seed Data​

ACTION: Ok, now you need to start your aquadoggo. If you downloaded it as described above and you're in the correct folder you can start it with the following command.

./aquadoggo --log-level=info
Ephemeral node

A node started with the above command is in "ephemeral" mode, meaning it won't persist any data between runs. If you stop it at any point, you'll have to repeat the following step before continuing with the tutorial again.

If this is the first time working through this tutorial then your node won't know about the schema yet, or contain any seed data. This should be apparent from the UI interface rendered in the live code editor below. There should be a βœ… showing the node is online, but a ❌ showing no schema or seed data was detected.

🐼Node status

We're getting this status info by already sending queries to the node and seeing if the expected schema exist.

Live Editor
function BootstrapNodeApp(props) {
  window.ENDPOINT = 'http://localhost:2020';

  return (
    <App header="🐬 πŸ†—">

ACTION: Click the Deploy Schema and then Publish Seed Data buttons above. This will deploy the schema and then publish all the seed data we're gunna use in the rest of this tutorial. If for any reason your node isn't listening on the default http address (it should be if you ran the above command) then just update ENDPOINT in the code above.

🐼GraphQL playground

At this point I have to hold up my hands and admit that some parts of this tutorial tooling are massive over-kill... That's because aquadoggo already gives you a full featured query interface onto your nodes data with the GraphQL playground which is accessible at http://localhost:2020/graphql. If you head over there now you will be able to inspect the deployed schema already and run queries against them.

It's more fun to do it inline in fancy little live code editors though!! Right??

Step 2: Filtering​

So now we have our schema and seed data deployed, the node has automatically rebuilt the GraphQL api in the background and we can start querying data.

Let's begin with a query over all vocabulary documents. The seed data contained 100 words from level N5 - N1 Japanese vocabulary. We want to retrieve the actual Japanese word and it's english meaning from the document's fields, and we want to filter on sub-strings from the meaning field and match against certain levels.

Additionally we want to take the documentId from the meta fields section. This is the unique id of a document and we'll be using it later.

ACTION: The above can be achieved with the following query, try changing the MEANING and LEVEL values and see the returned results change. If your node was offline when you started the tutorial you may need to refresh the query to see initial query results (top right refresh button in UI below), editing the query in the code below also triggers a new query to occur.

Live Editor
function QueriesApp(props) {
  const SCHEMA_ID =

  const MEANING = '';
  const LEVELS = [4, 5];

  const query = `
    query {
        filter: { 
          meaning: { contains: "${MEANING}" }, 
          level: { in: [${LEVELS}] }
      ) {
        documents {
          fields {
          meta {

  return (
    <App header="πŸ” πŸ—Ž">
      <Query query={query}></Query>

All the filters available to you are:

  • in: Filter by values in set.
  • notIn: Filter by values not in set.
  • eq: Filter by equal to.
  • notEq: Filter by not equal to.
  • gte: Filter by greater than or equal to.
  • gt: Filter by greater than.
  • lte: Filter by less than or equal to.
  • lt: Filter by less than.
  • contains: Filter for items which contain given value.
  • notContains: Filter for items which don't contain given value.

Step 3: Using relations​

In the previous step we searched over a collection of documents following the vocabulary schema. We want to be able to add vocabulary documents to a schema_sets document and track our progress in learning them. There are already some example study sets published to the node, let's add some vocabulary to them.

If we look at the study_set_members schema above, we'll see that there is a field called member which is of type relation which points to a vocabulary document. Additionally we can see the study_set field is also a relation pointing to a study_sets document. With these two fields we can join a vocabulary document to a study set document, that's exactly what we want.

The other fields (data_added, last_studied and rating) are all metadata attached to this particular entry in this particular study set.

In step 2 we already queried all vocabulary, we can use documentId from the results to add vocabulary to a study set below.

ACTION: Copy a documentId from one of the words returned by your vocabulary query in step 2 and paste it into the "Vocabulary ID" input field below. You also need to select the study set you want to add it to. Then click the "Add" button. You should see a message pop up saying "Created study set member with document id: ...". Well done, you created a relation between documents! Copy the document id printed in the message as we'll need this in a moment. You can also add a few more words to the study sets so our later queries are a little more interesting.

Live Editor
function QueriesApp(props) {

  // We use this query to get back 3 study sets and use them in our form element. You don't
  // need to change this, it's just here for demonstration purposes. We'll learn more about
  // this "first" argument in Step 6.
  const query = `
    query {
      all_${STUDY_SETS_SCHEMA_ID}(first: 3) {
        documents {
          fields {
          meta {

  return (
    <App header="πŸ’• πŸ—‚οΈ">
      <StudySetForm studySetsQuery={query}></StudySetForm>

We've now created some study_set_members documents so let's compose a query for fetching them back from the node, selecting not only fields from the target document, but also documents it contains a relation to.

ACTION: Paste the document ID which popped up under the form after you clicked "Add" into the code below, replacing <DOCUMENT_ID>. You'll see that the results come back with values included from the related study_sets and vocabulary documents.

Live Editor
function QueriesApp(props) {
  const SCHEMA_ID =


  const query = `
    query {
        fields {
          member {
            fields {
          study_set {
            fields {

  return (
    <App header="πŸ” πŸ—Ž">
      <Query query={query}></Query>

Step 4: Ordering​

A common approach to learning new vocabulary for any language is to priorities studying words which you don't know very well, or which you haven't looked at in a while. The query below models this behavior by requesting to order the resulting collection by last_studied timestamp, oldest first. We additionally filter by rating as we want to only look at words where our rating is low. And we want to look at one word at a time, so we just get the first word.

ACTION: Currently the query looks at vocabulary from all study sets, this is likely not the behavior we want, normally you'd be interested in words from one single study set. Try adding in a filter on the study_set field containing the documentId.

Live Editor
function QueriesApp(props) {
  const SCHEMA_ID =

  const RATING = 5;

  const query = `
    query {
        first: 1
        orderBy: last_studied
        orderDirection: ASC
        filter: { 
          rating: { lte: ${RATING} }
      ) {
        documents {
          fields {
            member {
              fields {
            study_set {
              fields {
              meta {

  return (
    <App header="πŸ” πŸ—Ž">
      <Query query={query}></Query>

Step 5: Pagination​

Ok, finally, pagination. When you're querying over larger collections of data, you want to be able to get back smaller chunks at a time, and incrementally fetch the "next" batch. This is called pagination, you get one page at a time, which contains a specified number of items. The aquadoggo API we're working with now implements cursor based pagination. Each item in your query result can be identified by a cursor, and we can choose which cursor a queries results should start after. This allows us to paginate over large query results from our application.

Live Editor
function QueriesApp(props) {
  const SCHEMA_ID =

  const queryBuilder = (after) => `
    query {
        first: 10
        ${after ? `after: "${after}",` : ''} 
      ) {
        documents {
          fields {
          meta {

  return (
    <App header="πŸ” πŸ—Ž">
      <PaginatedQuery queryBuilder={queryBuilder} endCursor=""></PaginatedQuery>

The End​

We covered a lot there, well done making it to the end πŸŽ‰! From here you should be able to start designing schema for your application with the resulting query interface in mind. Happy querying!